Is blogging still relevant in today?

Do you think blogging is still relevant? 

Sometimes I wonder if people and viewers prefer blogs or more visual platforms like Instagram.
It is no doubt that many bloggers turn to Instagrams for their content and drop blogging. Since is easier to post photos and type content on the go. 

To me, a blog seems to have a more detailed post than an Instagram or Twitter post. However, it does take a lot of time to create the visual and content for a blog and thus that's why I am always late for my blog post. 

No use apologizing to my viers or people who come here to find information, however, I have decided that I want to change my blog into something more fast and impactful. Somewhat like Instagram but must more in detail because who would want to read just long lengthy post on Instagram. 

These days, my hobbies and interest are changing and I am still currently trying to find my niche, finding what I am good at and what I want to do. While there are still people who are way more professional and better than me, there are many positive vibes around me that tells me that I can start something now. 

And I shall not hold back anymore! Here is a photo of Momo giving me a push!