Pig nose black head remover

Hello! Im back again! Sorry for not blogging for awhile! Was rushing work and studies! Super busy! 

So basically Im going to review of the Pig nose black head remover which I mention on my previous post here.

Pig Nose black head remover from Holika Holika!

They got quite a number of product in this series like these which are all so cute. 

So this is like the 3 in 1 kind! XD 
This is what I got from their web. All in korean... x-x 

So the first one is to opens up your pores which allow removing of blackhead easier. 
So this is my pig nose before using the product.

So is like a wet piece which you put over your nose for 15 - 20min. 
After 20mins, you will feel that your nose is more moist and you can wipe off some dirt if there is any. 

Next is the PIG/PINK NOSE! Love it how it is PINK!

The shape is like a pig nose also XD Oink! Pretty much like any other pore sticker. 
Moist your nose a bit with water and place the sticker on for roughly 15mins till you an feel is harden. 

PEEL IT! AND SEE THE RESULTS! So much DIRT D8! Im horrible! 

After the pig nose pink sticker! Looks like a lot came out O-O

After that is the last one which is the tightener which help to close your pores. 
Kinda like a gel mask which you put on your eyes but this is for the nose. 
Leave it on roughyl 15mins and then you are done! 

Tadah! After using PIG NOSE 8D!!! Just as good as biore nose pack! 

You can get them at holika holika stores, there is on at Wisma Atria at B1. They should sell it or else you have to get it from Qoo10 or korea.