Gyaru wedding dresses

Just the other day when I was chatting with Pris on steam call we were like talking about dresses online and fashion and sharing each other link. Then we came across wedding dresses and I just got to show her the Lena inspired wedding dress that I use as a reference for my 21st birthday! Which was this one.
It was love at first sight! And I really wish at the point of time that this was my wedding dress! wahaha fat hope! 

Asked Jessie to make one that is relatively close because is so hard to find the right material! Especially in Singapore! 

Well I am not going to get married soon but is still nice to see and dream of it! I don't mind making a mini version and casually wearing it out =X! These gyaru wedding dresses are just so pretty! They just give you so much inspiration! 

Flora~ Anything with flora is pretty! Is like cath kidston prints on a wedding dress XD 

Flora is really beautiful but I really love checkered too!  Hence the first dress which I fell in love with! 

Not checkered but almost there XD 

So want a pastel colour wedding dress instead of a white one but I doubt that will ever happen. Maybe I should just make like simple dress or these inspiration and just wear it everyday XD Well a girl can always dream~ XD shall leave these here so that I can look back to it one day!