My 21st Birthday prom night part 1

As many people already know, My 21st birthday party was my biggest birthday party in my whole life! 
I totally wanted to do something special and beg my parents to let me! 
and I am so happy that they did!!! 

There a lot to cover so this is part 1 which is the preparation stage!
Some photos before the night hahah!!! Im still looking for the video from saku!!! 

I was really glad that I got so many awesome friends to help me with this party!!
and all of them were saying that this is like my wedding LOL!!
but it was damn fun planning it and haha we were totally excited! 

So around mid of last year I went to China and bought my door gift there!! Super cheap and totally love them! 
and what more we needed to pack them all! 

so this is the packing process! 
Jes, Diane and Vio were helping me for this!!! thank babes! 

OPENING THE BOXES!!!! There were around 60++

these were actually the big ones~ which there is only 9 

and so it was packed like this for my guest!!~~ 

Pink and black!!! and then they were all saying how they wanted the black one because it looks much nicer 
inside was pink and purple mini candles!! which looks something like this! but there are many design XD
sadly I didn't take it. sorry! 

Preparation was super fun with friends!! we also needed to do name cards and  we were drawing on them! 
A sneak peak first!! This is mine ^^!!! Thank you for the one who drew that for me! 
I forgot if it was Diane, Jes or Saku! 

We were doing this all night long for all my guest haha but with friends it was a damn fun and awesome night! 

part 2 coming up!