New Year 2015!

Sorry haven't been blogging because Im just so busy!! I am just so excited for this year!
There is going to be such a big change and I am preparing myself for it.

First up, I got accepted to Doshisha University and I am going to be studying my degree in Kyoto, Japan! Cannot wait for that! Finally I took a step forward for myself and studies.

I am going over in march so I can't wait for that to come! Lucky I have my friend liping who is already studying there and we will have so much fun together. Now with all the meet ups and packing and getting ready for my studies. 

I just recently came back from Japan too because I needed to settle somethings for my VISA. It was a 14 day long trip and it was super fun!! Went all around japan including Hokkaido, Tokyo, Nagoya and all the small places. Saw snow fall for the first time and I swear it became a blizzard. 

Well I am still working till march because no choice my parents said I have to work! I can't just stay at home and do nothing everyday. And I have so many projects and events coming up so I can't leave that hanging! Work have been super fun because of my colleagues and I don't drag myself up most of the time anymore. 

Times have been getting better and I think it will be, well it almost time it got better. It was really dreadful for the past few years. I going to make a change and make my life better. Think positive more and not negative. I swear when looking back on the past I feel like I am such a bitch and a whiny girl. Stupid me. Think of all the fun and happy things and I won't be that depress anymore. I guess that point in life was really the down side in life. 

A virtue hug to whoever out there who is feel depress right now and not knowing why. It will pass and you will be stronger and better! Don't worry and carry on fighting on because you are worth it! Well if you are still sad then here is a apple crumble pie with a sweet cherry on the top to chase your blues away! 

I shall sign off now and will be posting about my japan trip soon!!