Whats happening now

Just wanted to blog about some stuff to clear my head. Since No where is safe already Im just risking whatever I got. Is like HECK IT I SHALL NOT CARE ANYMORE /o/!! hee~ 

Many things have been happening to me recently and they have been coming to me like bullets.  Until to the point which I had broken down and I felt that I was at the lowest point in life. I just didn't know what to do anymore, didn't know what to feel anymore and didn't wanted to live anymore. My life was everywhere and I couldn't see it at all. I was so lost that I really just wanted to ended it all because it seems like the easiest way out. 

Well.. lets just leave the rest of the story next time... 

I just wanted to say, thanks to those who stood beside me and gave me all your support. I really wouldn't be here without you all. Thanks for all those words, advice, outings and others. Was really very touched to see those around me that truly cared. Whats happening in my life right now is really hard to understand and is very hard for people to understand in my point of view so Im really glad you all did. I will still try my best to move on. 

Right now money is probably one big issues now. Well give me more excuse to eat Maggi mee and like sometime for a change I eat like chicken rice wahaha! $3 still well not bad right! For those following my instagram =X those are OLD photos LOL! but who cares right! No one knows! So yea right now my daily life is wake up, eat, sent resume, game, sleep. or else go and meet my boyfriend and play at his workplace because the boss let me play for free XD! 

But honestly till today my mind is blank and my mood gotten better just a bit. I feel different but I don't know how to say. I just wish time will pass faster so that I can do what I plan to do. Kinda gave up with my hobby which is cosplaying. Probably going to sell most of my stuff and costume. My best friend ask me to go to flea too to sell unwanted clothes. So I guess I should do it soon! 

I can't say much right now because I know I shouldn't blog because of some issues. However this post is to tell that Im not dead yet and trying to move on! 

See you all soon ^^