2014 to 2015 at Catalunya

Been so busy that I didn't even post my 2014 new year eve celebration! Damnit!
Time for serious backlog to the past~ On how I spend my new year eve! I went to Catalunya! Thank you for the Lew family for inviting my family again! 

Bought this dress from Taobao because My mother told me we needed to dress up a bit more. and this lovely dress is only $10. Great buy from taobao!

Love also bought a new blazer and it looks really good on him.

My mom lended me her necklace and braclet too + did my hair! 

Vincent with Vincent! 

At Catalunya, it was a special menu for new year eve. I got to say some dish was pretty unique. 

Oernil Pa Amb Tomaquet, Basically Jamon Iberico served on Bread with tomato. 

Bombo De Foie Amb Parline De Pinyons 
Chocolate cover foie gras truffles. It was way too rich for me.  

Carabinero, Mill De los I caviar. 
Prawn with bone marrow and caviar. 

Amandia Pasta Negra. Llamantol I vieira 
Squid ink pasta with lobster and scallop
(Im really starting to like Squid ink pasta)

Canelo De cep I trufa Blanca
Porcini mushroom canelon with white truffle, One of the best dish to me. 

Llobarro amb erico I avalon 
Seabass with Sea urchin and abalone 

Espatlleta de xai amb bolets 
Lamb shoulder with mushrooms 

Chocolate Alunga Cassis I yogurt.
Chocolate with cassis and yogurt. 
This was really good! 

We also had one of the best spots to view the fireworks~ It was really lovely and beautiful! One of the best ever! 

My parents who enjoy the night as much as we did!  

Super fun night expect for the time we had to get to the car which was park in another building and the human traffic was SO BAD! Oh what to do, it was new year and everyone that is everyone was out. However the thing that scare me was the number of foreigners.
Well im fine with them if they don't come bother me but many were just taking advantage of the situation. They just keep on pushing so that their friends or themselves will just touch onto girls. Sigh, it was pretty gross to see some people get molest because of it. 

Notheraless , I had a great time and I can't wait for an awesome year for 2015! Is going to be better than last year I can grantee that.