So sorry! Blogger was being a bitch because some how I couldn't upload anymore photos =(
Needed to find another hosting website and I have no idea where to get one. Use to be photobucket but I had problems with it after so Im still finding (><) sry!
And so now I am trying to figure out how to use picasa XD! so please bear with me!
2012 have pass on and now is 2013! I shall look forward to the new year with a more positive look! Been thinking about a lot of things and is like "SHIT I AM ALL GROWN UP NOW! I HAVE TO WORK! I HAVE TO DO GROWN UP STUFF! I DUNWANNA DUNWANNNNAA!!! *sniff* "
Needed to find another hosting website and I have no idea where to get one. Use to be photobucket but I had problems with it after so Im still finding (><) sry!
And so now I am trying to figure out how to use picasa XD! so please bear with me!
2012 have pass on and now is 2013! I shall look forward to the new year with a more positive look! Been thinking about a lot of things and is like "SHIT I AM ALL GROWN UP NOW! I HAVE TO WORK! I HAVE TO DO GROWN UP STUFF! I DUNWANNA DUNWANNNNAA!!! *sniff* "
and now I wish I was a kid again.. oh well!
What to do... the year passes faster then we think.
What am I looking forward to the new year??? Quite a number of things, well first of all THE GOD DAMN RO2 WHICH HAVE BEEN PUSH BACK!
hell yeah I am a betaer!
Hello~ I am a cute acolyte! Ready to hell your ass out 8D!
Find me in game which is 'Cutepetz'
and I am most likely going to be in world 2!
With my boyfriend who is a knight!
(Woohoo my knight in shiny armor)
To those who hate RO2 can just piss off! I like the game and you don't have to tell me that you hate it! Totally hate when they are all, Oh I hate ro2! Is the worst game ever.
I love it because it reminds me of ro1 and I totally love that game back then so it bring back memories! So yes I will be playing RO2! \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Next thing I am looking forward to is my hong kong trip which is happening in feb and ASOT in march! WOOHOO! CAN'T WAIT! So need to buy my tickets soon!
Like can you believe it! so many of my favorite DJ IS GOING!
Give me a shout out if you are going too or if you are just as excited as me!!!
There is still a lot of things going to happen but these are the current one that is coming 8D! shall blog soon!!!