Soft cream Poppin Cookin!

Ok sorry for the long due photos!! 
 I already tried Poppin Cookin!! 
and thanks to poppincookinsg for sponsoring!! ^^ 

is really very fun XD 

When you open it looks like this! 

Laying everything on the table! 

Mix mix mix!!! 

It feel like we are mixing glue or flour XD 


and then you need to stuff it in! 

now seal it! 

and is time to have some fun squeezing it!! 
Is actually quite hard LOL 

Rofl first try by cubie! 

Rofl I did the 2nd one!! I seriously do not know how to control! 

time for some toppings! there is even a stand on the tray! 

trying to make towers XD 

and we had a lot of the soft cream so I put over more ROFL! Bad idea XD

It tasted like sweet gummy bear but in a more watery form. 
But this is really for fun XD!! 
Maybe I will try the ramen one next time, really wonder how that will taste like! 

So if you are looking for a place to get poppin cookin! 
I feel that they are the cheapest too!