It was actually open on last sat! However.. I feel is actually better to go now than that day.
Since many things screw up so you won't feel the maido cafe experience on that day ><
But now is better and is going to be the 5th that is open!
Currently we got around 15 maids \o/ and we are prob going to get around 20!
Come and visit us k!!! Many people said that our coffee is good and so is mocktail.
and that they will come here instead of TCC =x lol!!!
anyway.. Im not sure if I should make a blog just for my "maid self" because Im not suppose to really tell my real name and everything..... hmmm
well anyway!!!
sorry didn't blog about this earlier... ahhh Im struggling with school work again!!
I feel there a lot of report to write suddenly.. History, Visual, Interface and communication..
and guess what.. my programming is only 2% done WEE! how nice right!
I am going to skip tomorrow lesson to go meet my tuition teacher instead of my teacher in school LOL Since I feel that Ronnie is a way better teacher in programming rofl!
Well after friday!!! I have a bit of rest.. then is time for ISP.. >-> so damn fast!
Everything is coming!!! and I feel I may not go for teenage after all because is clashing with ISP..
AFA however is a must go no matter what!!!